Frankston Yacht Club

Programme of Events

Lists all events in chronological order.

paging options - forwards, backwards and now.

TapClick an event for a list of its duties.

Duty List

Lists all duties allocated to an event with the names of the persons assigned to them.

The rightmost column shows each duty's status:

NOT confirmed
Duty swap wanted
Confirmed but duty swap wanted
Volunteer required
Not assigned, reserved.

TapClick a duty to expand.

Duty Information

Additional information about the duty including contact details when available.

Contact details are shown in compliance with the privacy policy of Frankston Yacht Club and also each person’s own privacy settings.

 TapClick the number to call (if supported by your device).

 TapClick the address to email.

DutyMan Duty List

  • Programme of Events
  • Who's on Duty
  • Contact Details

Available from your DutyMan Administrator