encouraging people to do their duties

Making Sure You Receive Your DutyMan Emails

Large organisations and internet service providers implement filtering systems to deal with unsolicited commercial email – spam for short. Software examines incoming emails and, with varying degrees of success, identifies and blocks those deemed to be spam.

Messages from DutyMan are not spam. They are sent on behalf of, and at the behest of, an organisation to which the recipient belongs. Their content is not commercial and they comply with codes of email good practise and with UK, European and US legislation. The DutyMan web servers are correctly set up with forward and reverse DNS and SPF records so there can be no doubt as to the origin of mail from DutyMan.

Nevertheless from time to time DutyMan emails are incorrectly identified as spam – false positives in the jargon.

To ensure that you receive all your duty-related emails we recommend that you:

Add donotreply@dutyman.biz to your spam filter’s whitelist

A whitelist is a list of trusted email senders. Every spam filter should operate a whitelist function though it may be known by another name such as friends list or approved senders list. The procedure for adding to whitelists depends on the spam filter used. ISPs should have details on their websites. In large organisations you may need to enlist the help of your IT department.

Provide an alternate email address

You can tell DutyMan to use a second email address. For instance you may have a work address and a home address. DutyMan sends all duty-related emails to both addresses.

To set up an alternate email address go to your DutyMan Profile page. Alternate email addresses are used only to send duty-related emails and are not seen by other DutyMan users.

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