encouraging people to do their duties
encouraging people to do their duties
Free trial


Features Comparison Basics Edition Plus Edition
Roster Listing
Duty Reminders
Duty Swapping
Duty Volunteering
Member Profile On-Line Update
Phone Web App
Event and Duty Management
Print Duty Lists
Member Import
Member Export
Duty Import
Duty Export
Custom Member Fields
Advanced Duty Allocation Tools
Member Directory
Member Reporting

DutyMan is available on an annual subscription basis.

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Covid-19: How DutyMan Can Help

Free use for charities and volunteer groups

Many charities, health departments and medical practices have found that DutyMan works well for organising volunteers and duty rotas. If you are part of, or know of, a group helping out during the coronavirus pandemic and who need a quick and easy way to marshal volunteers then they can start using DutyMan straightaway with a free trial. Trials are nominally for 90 days but we promise to extend them indefinitely for free to support people involved in Covid-19 response.

Payment Holiday

We appreciate that some of our customers will suffer financially in the coming months so our message is simpleif you can't pay your subscription right now, just don't We won’t turn anybody off and we’ll sort it out in an amicable way when this is all over.

Member Communication

It is now particularly important to get information to your members quickly and electronically. The DutyMan Mailer can be really useful so we have now made it available to all free of charge during this shutdown period. Enable it at >Set Up >Additional Features. If you need help with setting it up do get in touch.

Also Events & Duties Manager has a quick way to cancel an event and automatically advise those on duty.

How you can help us

If you are not running events right now please don't send duty reminders! You can delete or cancel the event or stop sending reminders altogether. That will free up capacity for more essential emails.

If you need to get in touch please email support@dutyman.biz rather than phone. Emails provide a written record and enable us to work more efficiently.

And finally, we expect the DutyMan service itself to be unaffected by Covid-19.

Thank you and do stay safe and well.
The DutyMan Team