DutyMan Administrators' Guide


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Printing Duty Lists

After logging in, every user can print a summary report of the duties for any one day by clicking the icon for that date on the duty roster page.

Administrators can also print duties for a single date or a date range as either a detailed list or a summary.


  • In either the Events & Duties menu or the Download menu click Print Duty Lists.

  • Select a date range for the duties that you want to print. Date ranges are inclusive.

    If start date or end date is omitted then the dates of the first and last duties respectively in the roster are used.

    To print duties for a single day set both the start and end dates to that day.

  • Click Detailed List or Summary to open a printable report in a new browser window.

    A Detailed List has one row per duty. Duties are grouped by duty date and event. Within an event the order of duties is as defined in >Set Up >Duty Types if you are using Listed Duty Types. Otherwise they are in duty time/upload order.

    A Summary is grouped by duty date and event with duties in columns.

  • Use the Print button, or your browser's print function, to print the report. The Print button itself is not printed. You may need to try portrait and landscape print modes to find the best fit on the page.